46 TO 1
Is 46 to 1 an acceptable response ratio in any situation that involves the death of human beings? I would suggest that the answer …
Is 46 to 1 an acceptable response ratio in any situation that involves the death of human beings? I would suggest that the answer …
Given all the justified paranoia about what the incoming Trump administration might do, I thought it might help to look ahead a little, either to …
“Trump’s challenges” is an interesting perspective from an international point of view. The following article appeared in The Times (London) this past week by Mike …
This story, and its integral affirmation of the Italian sense of humour, made me smile and I hope it makes you do so as well. …
Lorie Honor doesn’t understand why Joe Biden wouldn’t want to leave office with the legacy of being the president who made the Equal Rights Amendment …
Unfit, unfair and unfashionable is shorthand for the results of a report by the Hot or Cool Institute on the fashion industry worldwide. The main …
Several political strategies, that require an absence of integrity, have been perfected by Donald Trump during his successful campaign to return to the U.S. Presidency. …
In the New Year’s cycle of resolutions for the coming twelve months, which usually last at least a few days, I came across this list …
Ice-age antelopes have surged back from extinction in Kazakhstan. That sounds a little like a “Jurassic Park” story, but it is real and has resulted …
NORAD Tracks Santa is an annual official program in which North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) publishes the tracking of Santa Claus, who is said to leave the North Pole to travel …