Israeli Government arrogance has finally surpassed itself with Benjamin Netanyahu’s stubborn defense of his policy of Palestinian eradication. It is blatantly obvious that his goal is to drive anyone in the way of his quest to move the western border of Israel to the Mediterranean into oblivion. The latest air attack on a clearly marked and IDF approved food convoy only emphasizes his contempt for international opinion, and the opinion of his most zealous supporter, the United States.

      The Israeli Government has become completely confident in its ability to deflect all criticism by playing the “Anti-Semitic” card when such criticism threatens its ambitions or its policies. I should add that they have reached that level of confidence because it has worked for many years. They only have to wave the threat of being called anti-semitic and anyone who opposes them has backed down.

      No more hiding behind the threat of anti-semitism. They have definitely overstepped the mark with the massacre of over 32,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, in response to the attack that killed just over a thousand Israeli citizens. There is no defence of a strategy that killed the Israeli citizens but the response has been so far out of proportion that the U.N. classifies it as genocide…even atempted extermination. Besides, Israeli Government policy has nothing to do with anti-semitism. Its anti-Israeli Government policy. They have successfully mixed the two ideas to their own advantage but they are two different concepts.

      There is a simple solution to stop this insane slaughter and that depends entirely on the U.S. Government. STOP THE FUNDING OF THE IDF AND ISRAEL IN GENERAL. Even if it was stopped for a week, the Israeli Government would be forced to come to it senses…..I think. I have to admit there is a scenario that even without U.S. support, Netanyahu, and his gang of ultra-conservatives, would carry on with sticks and stones and pitchforks. Perhaps an exaggeration, but maybe not.

      Joe Biden has tried outright support for Israel, gentle persuasion, public criticism (unheard of from the U.S. Government previously) and now, vague threats. Netanyahu has arrogantly and publically thumbed his nose at all of those approaches. I am reminded of Bill Clinton’s comment after receiving a lecture from Netanyahu, in the Oval Office; He said, “Who the hell does he think he is?”

      The problem for Joe Biden is the pending U.S. Presidential election and the huge, rich, and influential Jewish/American lobby. That lobby has tremendous influence on U.S. Government policy at the best of times. In an election year, criticizing Israel in any way is tantamount to political suicide, domestically. A no-win situation for Biden. Worldwide condemnation and a significant loss of the U.S. reputation and influence if you continue to support Israel, on the one hand, and domestic suicide if you don’t. Not an enviable choice.

      However, as various pundits have said over the years, “You don’t elect, or even need, leaders to make the easy decisions, you elect/need them to make the hard ones.”

      In these sorts of cases, I am always reminded of Winston Churchill’s decision to let the Luftwaffe bomb Coventry during World War II. He knew it was going to happen because they had broken the Nazi Enigma code. However, if he had evacuated the city, the Nazi high command would have known they broken the code. Churchill’s decision to let the bombing raid happen cost 60,000 British citizens in Coventry their lives in one night, but it was the right decision in overall terms.

      Joe Biden’s solid and courageous repudiation of the Israeli Government’s arrogant stance, after 32,000 Palestinian deaths would stand in a similar, though obviously different, vein. That’s what leadership is all about – making the hard decisions.

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